Episode 20: Aerin Tedesco


This week Nate & Evan sit down to chat with local birder Aerin Tedesco. Aerin originally hails from the Great Lakes region (Buffalo area/Chicago), but recently moved to Central Illinois.

What an amazing week for birds in Illinois! Aerin reached her 300th bird on her Illinois list this year. We discussed chasing Magnificent Frigate birds, Little Gulls, and Scoters.

However, the hightlight of the show will be Aerin playing her wonderful music for us. Aerin is an instructor for the Old Town School of Folk Music. She wrote and composed a spooky Halloween song about a Northern Shrike for the show, and also plays her song about Peregrine Falcon in Chicago.

We also discuss the documentary Monty & Rose. Monty & Rose is a documentary about the Piping Plovers that have nested at Montrose Beach for the past two years and Aerin composed a song for the film. Information about the documentary can be found at https://www.montyandrose.net/

Hopefully everyone enjoys this episode and music as much as we did.

Happy listening and happy birding!


Episode 21: Bryan Reiley


Episode 19: Clinton Lake State Recreation Area