The Winter Finch Forecast with Tyler Hoar


Migration, Migration, Migration!

Today Evan and Nate sit down with the Winter Finch Forecaster Tyler Hoar to discuss what birds might be visiting us this winter from the North.

First, Evan discusses the results of the recent Illinois Big Sit competition. Who knew that a birding competition could be filled with so much friendly competition, rivalry, and a dramatic finish!

If you remember last year, Tyler gave us an amazing forecast of an irruption year and absolutely nailed it. We have Evening Grosbeaks, Redpolls, and Crossbills all winter here in Illinois.

Today, Tyler discusses first his methodology that went into this year's forecast. He then explains some of the environmental factors that are affecting the birds migration. Finally he talks finches.

Which finches, if any might make it to Illinois? Could this be a year of the echo flight?

While the winters may be long, this episode might give you hope of what is to come!


Season 3 - Trailer


Annette Prince & Chicago Bird Collision Monitors